Monday, February 6, 2012

Dia 18

Wow it's been 5 days since I've posted something?!?! Time is flying by here and I don't like it! I wish the days would last longer and the time would pass slower. I almost have to pinch myself to realize I'm actually here. Every time that something comes up that is irritating, annoying, or frustrating I find myself stopping and saying to myself, "Pura Vida, Kristin. Life is good." It has become kind of a joke between me and a few friends because some of the moments are so ridiculous. This past weekend while I was in Manuel Antonio I was paying the waiter for my food and when I checked to make sure I'd received the correct amount, I thought I was short money. So I walked back up to the counter and told him; turns out I owed him a buck! Dangit! I could have used that dollar, I thought. But then I decided that that dollar, in the scheme of things, meant nothing and there was no use wasting anytime being disappointed so I moved on. Sounds silly, I know. But I'm finding that I'm bothered by a lot fewer things and am enjoying more of the moments that I should be. I didn't always have that ability to just let things go.

Let's see here, quick re-caps. Thursday the main highlight was going to a dance club/bar called
La Birreria in the nearby city of Heredia. I had a lot of fun with my friends from the program and getting to hang out with the locals. 

Friday we only had Costa Rican Cooking class which was fun. We learned how to make Gallo Pinto (rice and beans, very typical dish here) Jugo de fruta (real fruit juice), empanadas, pinto de gallo, and other items. I had a blast goofing off and eating the yummy food. Not bad for a friday class! Later we left to take the bus to San Jose and catch another bus to Manuel Antonio. I brought my big hiking backpack and by the end of the trip I was regretting it-you never need as much as you bring, if only you knew what you'd need!
Saturday, we spent the day at the Parque Nacional (National Park) walking through the forest (saw some white faced monkeys), and swimming at the beach. It was absolutely gorgeous!! This was the beach you would see on t.v. or on postcards. At one point while we were swimming I just floated and thought about how unreal it was that I was swimming in the Pacific in Costa Rica in Feburary!! The monkeys kept trying to steal our stuff on the beach so their cuteness ran out pretty quick, but it was still a sight to see.

Sunday I spent the day traveling back home and being exhausted. I had a heart to heart with my host brother and spent the evening hanging out with him and one of his neighbor friends chatting about music, the differences between the U.S and Costa Rica (NOT America as many Latin Americas are offended by this use of 'American' because they are 'American' as well, good thing to know!) and I was of course sucking up as much spanish as possible. I learned that cheese curds are called dados de queso (we had them at a restaurant-SO GOOD) and napkins are called servilletas. All good things to know!

Today we spent class learning about the culture of piropos (cat calls). It was really funny and interesting. The cat calls aren't all necessarily offensive, many are nice compliments. Women use piropos as well. My professor explained that in Latin America, all women are treated as beautiful no matter how you look, where you're from, etc. Needless to say, it was a funny class!

Off to bed, tired as always. But happy!


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