Friday, December 30, 2011

The Day Has Come.

Starting my own blog? Ew. No way. I'm never doing that. Well, maybe one day. Yeah one day. How about tomorrow? Today? Ok cool! I seem to have come full circle from where I've been in the past regarding blogs.. I used to view them as these weird, ranting diary type things that you shared with the world-which I was definitely not ok with. But, guess what?! It's not!

As I was frantically studying for finals this winter, I started to think about my trip coming up and all the things I needed to get done. I chatted with my friend, Samarai, and she showed me that blogs aren't so scary! So here I am, writing my first post ever. So forgive me if my blogging isn't quite as interesting as the pros!

I'm excited to share my stories of studying abroad with you (and saving myself the trouble of keeping a paper journal) and hope you enjoy reading of my ups, downs, and everything in between!

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